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Date posted: 26th April 2021

26th April 2021

eBook: How to deliver Humanity in Leadership

eBook: How to deliver Humanity in Leadership

IW Workshops: Sparks of inspiration

Ideas curated from our movement

2020 was a year like no other, filled with challenges, uncertainty and change. Not only the role of the Leader, but who are leaders are, has never been more important.

As Dr Jerry Gule from the “Institute of People Management” in South Africa said. “The workplace is not the bricks, or car, your home office. The workplace is who we all bring to it. The role of the leader in creating the certainty and stability we all need in uncertain times is crucial.” 

At the end of 2020 together with our community of Inspirers, we created a 2021 predictions book that identified four key areas of focus. So we decided to hold workshops to address these issues, begin to identify solutions and ultimately create together a pathway through them.

This bitesize document represents the start of that professional journey together to create that pathway. Within it you will see sparks of inspiration. Sparks that might help solve issues, create another idea or drive us all to explore it further.

We hope it helps you, your people and organization.

eBook: How to deliver Humanity in Leadership

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