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Date posted: 10th March 2023

10th March 2023

Guest Blog: Give yourself kerb appeal: How your EVP can tempt talent to your door

Guest Blog: Give yourself kerb appeal: How your EVP can tempt talent to your door

If your organisation were a house on the market, what kind of lifestyle would it promise? And what would make it stand out to those looking for a new ‘home’?

Right now, it needs to make its offer clear.

The market for talent has transformed since hybrid working became, well, normal. As soon as people had a taste of a better work-life balance and a more convenient way to do their jobs, their priorities changed. And now employers have to think more creatively about how to compete for the best talent – rather like preparing a property for viewings.

You might turn heads with a cool, inspiring kitchen and a spacious loft with room to grow. But if the lounge is awkward, the garden neglected and the electrics from a bygone age, you’ll see prospective buyers – and current occupants – running for the hills.

What will make employees want to move into your organisation? 

A powerful Employee Value Proposition does a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

It helps to keep your people feeling at home – and attracts new talent to your door. It paints a vivid picture of ‘what’s in it for me’, from the moment people arrive to the day they decide to move on. But it’s far more than a snazzy marketing brochure.

Let’s pop the kettle on and take a tour of our metaphorical house to probe all the elements that make up an EVP.

Setting the scene 

The front door and hallway let people know what you’re about as soon as they step over the threshold – and, just like your Purpose and Vision, they’re integral to the rest of the house. Why does your organisation exist? What do you want to achieve? What sets you apart?

Purpose is more important than ever when attracting new talent. Research by Hays reveals that four in five professionals seeking new roles prioritise organisations with ‘a strong and positive purpose aligned to their motivations’ – and the importance of purpose has grown in recent years. So, polish up your purpose and put it clearly on display if you want to tempt people to explore your organisation.

Getting together 

Step into the lounge, and we discover where Culture hangs out. Are people comfortable and able to be themselves? Does it help them feel connected, or a sense of belonging? Do they want to sink deep into your values and behaviours, like a squashy sofa?

This is where the character of your organisation can shine through. You could set it out in a culture code, or a guide to ‘how we do things around here’. Then anyone moving in will know what to expect – and those already here can be confident that the culture they enjoy is by design, not a lucky accident.

Room to grow

At the top of the house, we have the loft, aka Personal Development and Career Progression. How much space does this give people to grow and flourish? What opportunities are holding the rafters together? Is there a skylight where growth planning and future potential can empower people to reach for the stars?

Rest and recharge 

At home we might head to bed for a nap or a quiet read. Or retire to the bathroom to soak away the stresses of the day. In your organisation, these rooms represent your focus on Wellbeing. The opportunities you give people to energise and top-up their power levels. The structures to support a health work/life balance. The recognition that employees are individuals with lives and needs, who perform at their best when they have energy and focus.

Boosting energy 

The kitchen is where we seek nourishment and refreshment, or in EVP terms, Reward and Recognition. What benefits do your people get for their efforts? Think beyond salaries – what do you serve up that makes your people feel valued and appreciated?

Nurturing the wider environment 

The garden connects people to opportunities outside of your organisation. Think of it as a stepping-stone to your local community (CSR) and a bridge to the great outdoors (sustainability). What environmental, social and governance goals are you planting to make a positive impact on the world around you?

And finally, creating that all important kerb appeal

A clear articulation of your EVP will attract interest from other people – inviting them in for a look. Make sure your external appearance is as welcoming for passers-by as it is for your current occupants.

If you do the prep work on your EVP now, it’ll help you talent-proof your organisation for the future. Now that’s a rather nice way to put your house in order.

If you’d like to talk to us about revamping your EVP or any other IC challenges please email [email protected].