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Date posted: 08th April 2021

08th April 2021

The gender gap has widened – what can we do?

The gender gap has widened – what can we do?

I’m incredibly sad today to read in the news that here in the UK the gender pay gap in the UK has widened. It’s got worse. It’s not improved. The dial has gone in the wrong direction.  

The latest figures show that in the UK, for every 89p a women earns, a man earns £1.  In 2021, we are still getting this so wrong. 

Whilst I’m disappointed, this has not come as a surprise. We heard on multiple occasions during the Global Workplaces Inspirathon that the global pandemic has disproportionately negatively affected women. 

And yet, whilst we learn today about increasing gender pay gaps, in the UK and all over the world, we know there is a lot of work to be done to not only close the pay gap, but close the overall gender gap in terms of bias, culture, policies and much more. 

We recently published a guide, in collaboration with our inspirer community on “how to close the gender gap” – pages of tips, tools and suggestions and what we can do as individuals, leaders and organisations to close this gender gap once and for all.  

This is not only the right thing to do for the world, but if we continue to choose to ignore ‘gender gaps’ in our workplace, we’ll begin to see the negative results in our organisations too. 

Take a read and do report back to us on what you’re doing in your workplaces to help close this gap.

I love hearing and sharing what others are doing so we can, together, change the world. 

We recently collaborated with our inspirer community on what we can do to close this gap. Take a read..