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Date posted: 08th April 2019

08th April 2019

Unlocking High Performance

Unlocking High Performance

In our first episode of Engagement Zone we talk to our North American advisor, Engagment101 Influencer and Employee Engagement expert, Jason Lauritsen. For nearly a decade, he spent his days as a corporate Human Resources executive where he developed a reputation for driving business results through talent. In our first episode we talk about the following:

– Trends he has seen in the work of North American Employee Engagement finalists over the years
– His new book – Unlocking High Performance – How to use performance management to engage and empower employees to reach their full potential
– Advice on how to unlock high performance in employees

We have five copies of Jason’s book to giveaway. Please register for our Podcasts here to have a chance of winning one.

Also be patient with our host. It is his first Podcast. Our guests are the main attraction though :  )

Enjoy Episode 1 below.