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Date posted: 22nd June 2021

22nd June 2021

On Demand Video: Creating Powerful Employee Experiences to Impact Culture | Meghan Stettler & Robert Ordever

On Demand Video: Creating Powerful Employee Experiences to Impact Culture | Meghan Stettler & Robert Ordever

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For today’s talk from our 6-week-long Summer Series: 25 minute daily talks all throughout June, we had a session with Meghan Stettler, Director at the O.C. Tanner Institute and Robert Ordever, Managing Director O.C. Tanner Europe.

Creating Powerful Employee Experiences to Impact Culture

When it comes to workplace culture, creating powerful employee experiences has never been more important. Yet in recent years, the employee experience has become synonymous with the employee lifecycle—a time-based view of career stages rather than a collection of “micro-moments” that combine to define their lives at work. Watch the video to learn how employees experience their workplace culture and the important role organizations and leaders play in creating meaningful, purposeful moments that help your people thrive.

Meghan and Robert spoke about:

  • The
On Demand Video: Creating Powerful Employee Experiences to Impact Culture | Meghan Stettler & Robert Ordever

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