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Date posted: 16th July 2020

16th July 2020

How is furlough impacting employee wellbeing?

How is furlough impacting employee wellbeing?

Barnett Waddingham’s recent Covid-19 survey has revealed a worrying picture of wellbeing among furloughed employees in the UK. When employees are faced with worry over their basic needs like being able to provide for themselves and their family, it’s no surprise that their wellbeing is impacted. And, the storm is far from over. As organisations continue to navigate their way through economic uncertainty, Barnett Waddingham’s research has shown that employees expect wellbeing support from their employers. In fact 70% of employees said their view of potential employers in the future will be directly influenced by how they handle the pandemic.

David Collington’s article dissects the results of Barnett Waddingham’s recent Covid-19 to reveal how furlough has impacted wellbeing, what employees expect from their employers, advice and resources for employers and more.

From the Article: 

What do employees expect from their employer?

The HR press is brimming with stories of employers who have been doing a sterling job of proactively helping their employees to cope with the many pandemic related wellbeing challenges. These include virtual coffee mornings, mindfulness sessions, financial wellbeing workshops, free yoga, to name but a few. This is to be praised.

However, the reality is that the majority of employees (six out of every ten) have received little or no communication from their employer about their financial, mental, and physical wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our research shows that employees do expect wellbeing support from their employer. Indeed, for seven in ten employees, their view of potential employers in the future will be directly influenced by the way they handle this pandemic.

It’s not too late to communicate with employees

From conversations with HR professionals at virtual industry events and roundtables, it is clear that they have two big concerns. Firstly, that it is too late and employers should have started communicating with their workforce earlier in lockdown.

Secondly, and more cynically, there is a view that if employers do survey their people, they might uncover something they are unable to address.

On timing, whether your employees are furloughed, working from home or working in a ‘Covid-safe’ workplace, now is the time to be engaging with them. As our research shows, there is a real need – and indeed expectation – of support from employers in this area.

Get the full article online: Employee wellbeing inside the furlough bubble

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